Vacancy Application

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Supporting people from all over the country

Our range of specialist services are flexible and responsive to the ever-changing needs of the most complex and vulnerable individuals

We support people from all over the country – working with over 50 commissioning authorities to create a home away from home for individuals with learning difficulties and complex physical and mental health.

Before we begin, does your postcode start with the following letters?, if so, please choose or select No.

Postcode verify *

It looks like your postcode isn’t near any of our homes. If you’d still like to continue, please click Next.

Personal details
First name *
Last name *
Date of birth *
Contact details
Your address *
Email address *
Main contact number *
Alternate contact number
Driving licence
Do you have a full UK driving licence? *
Do you have any points or endorsements on your licence? *
Points/endorsements on your licence *
If you could provide more detail on the matter.
Right to work
Do you have the right to work in the UK? *
Do you require a visa to work in the UK? *

Please ensure you complete at least 10 years of employment history.

Previous employment
Position details
Position applying for *
Other position(s) *
Location the position is based at
How did you hear about the vacancy? *
Are you applying for part-time hours? *
Do you have any additional learning requirements? *
Additional learning details *
Have you currently got, or have you previously suffered with, any injuries that will make you unable to carry out heavy lifting or any physical training? *
Details about your previous injuries *
Name of company *
Name of referee *
Referee's position *
Referee's telephone number *
Referee's email address *
Referee's address *
Your previous employer
If you do not have a previous employer, other than your current / most recent employer, please tick the below box
Your character reference
Name of referee *
How do you know this person? *
Referee's telephone number *
Referee's address *
Character reference address *
Safeguarding and complaints
Has a safeguarding allegation ever been made against you? *
Safeguarding allegations *
Please explain these allegations
Have you ever been referred to the Independent Safeguarding Authority Barred List *
Safeguard barred list reason *
Please explain the reasons for being barred
Have you ever had any complaints made against you whilst working in a care environment? *
Care environments complaints *
Please explain these complaints further
Criminal convictions
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence, cautioned, or served a sentence or a suspended sentence? *
Convictions & offences *
Please explain the convictions or offences
Do you subscribe to the DBS Update Scheme? *
Are there any reasonable adjustments that you need to enable you to complete the requirements of this position? *
Position adjustments *
Please explain the adjustments needed for this position
Data Protection
Acknowledgement *
I can confirm that to the best of my knowledge the above information is correct. I accept that providing deliberately false information could result in my dismissal.
Full name *

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