
Specialist residential care

We operate 11 residential care homes and specialist integration services across Greater Lincolnshire, welcoming individuals from all over the country.

Tailored to every individual

Each of our settings is unique, offering a flexible, spacious and homely environment that’s perfectly suited to every individual.

Part of the community

Our homes and services are located in villages where individuals have opportunities for social interaction, be a part of the local community and be supported to enjoy life on their own terms.


Dorrington is a village near Sleaford to the south of Lincoln which is home to three of our registered services.


Kirk House

Orchard Lodge

The Reeds

Kirk House

A two-storey home that’s configured as two separate but connected homes for 11 individuals, each with their own self-contained apartments and communal kitchen/living areas. The ground floor is a self-contained home for six individuals with additional complex physical needs, while the first floor is a self-contained home for a group of five compatible individuals with a range of complex needs.


CQC overall rating: Outstanding

22 April 2020

Orchard Lodge

Consisting of two separate but connected three person homes for individuals with autism, epilepsy and associated mental health issues, Orchard Lodge is registered for six individuals. For some individuals, the home is also a pathway service that provides more independent living.


CQC overall rating: Outstanding

15 November 2020

The Reeds

A specialist integration home for eight individuals, The Reeds can comprise of two separate but linked homes or eight independent units, with each individual’s living space made entirely self-contained. This level of flexibility means the home can support individuals with even the most complex needs. The activity centre and sensory room can be accessed in a separate building.


CQC overall rating: Outstanding

21 March 2018

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