Family Privacy Policy


1. Who this privacy notice applies to
This privacy notice applies to all persons whose personal information we collect and process (except in connection with our marketing activities and our employment practices) in the course of delivering care and support.
This includes individuals listed below or who work for any of the following organisations or bodies:


  • The Individuals we Support
  • The families of Individuals we Support
  • Advocates/Deputies and Appointees of Individuals we Support
  • Commissioners
  • Professional advisers to Individual’s we Support
  • Our regulators, insurers, auditors, professional advisers and certification/accreditation bodies.


2. Information we may collect and process
In the course of our business, we will need to collect and process various types of personal information for various purposes. We obtain personal data from a variety of sources, but primarily from those individuals referred to in section 1 above.
Given the nature of our business and the services we provide, it is impractical to list all the categories of personal information that may be collected and processed. We will however only process and collect personal information where necessary for the provision of our services and where we have a legal basis to do so. We most commonly collect and process:


  • contact information for individuals (such as full name, date of birth, address, email address and telephone number). We may collect additional information to enable the identity of individuals to be verified
  • information regarding an Individual we Support’s social care and support needs and preferences
  • information about an Individuals mental capacity to make decisions
  • Information relating to any Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard relating to an Individual we Support
  • Information we obtain from Advocates, Deputies and Appointees acting on behalf of Individuals we Support
  • information about an Individual we Support’s family relationships so far as is relevant to our provision of care and to enable the Individuals we Support to keep in touch with their relatives in a sensitive and proportionate manner so as to further the best interests of those we are supporting
  • medical records and health information as necessary for the provision of our services

3. How we use and disclose personal information
Where we receive personal data in connection with the provision of care and support to an Individual we Support, we process that data for the purposes of:
(a) Providing that support.

This includes:


  • keeping the Individuals we Support safe;
  • Promoting their independence;
  • Improving outcomes and wellbeing;
  • Managing their social, environmental and health needs;
  • Promoting and maintaining appropriate contact with their families;
  • Providing regular updates to families on
  • Accessing the community;
  • Liaison with Advocates, Deputies and Appointees;
  • Liaison with healthcare and other professionals involved in their care;
  • Liaison with Commissioners.

(b) Complying with our legal obligations or making disclosures to government, regulatory or
other public bodies where in our reasonable opinion the disclosure is appropriate and permitted by law.
This includes:

  • disclosures required by law or court order
  • disclosures to the police, tax authorities, the National Crime Agency or other public or government authorities where in our reasonable opinion the disclosure is required in relation to any criminal investigation or prosecution
  • disclosures to our regulators, ombudsman or other government, public or regulatory authority, including any data protection supervisory authority or regulator of residential care service, where in our reasonable opinion the disclosure is required or permitted by law.

(c) Providing access to our files for audit, review or other quality assurance checks, by our
commissioners, regulators, auditors, professional advisers and certification/accreditation bodies.

(d) Processing required in connection with the day to day operation of our business

(e) Processing required in connection with any actual or proposed reorganisation, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other transaction relating to all or any portion of our business or assets.
We share personal information with our group and associated companies. Other than these entities we will only share personal information with third parties, where we have a legitimate business interest in doing so and we will only do so where in our reasonable opinion that information will be adequately protected; where they are approved by us and subject to contractual obligations designed to ensure compliance with data protection legislation.

It is not our intention to transfer your data out of the EEA.



4. How long we keep personal information
We retain personal data in accordance with our retention and destruction policy, a copy of our retention notice and schedule can be found here.



5. How we protect personal information
We are strongly committed to data security and we take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the personal information we hold from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, alteration or corruption. We have put in place physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure that information.



6. The legal basis for processing personal information
Data protection law requires us to have a legal basis for processing your information. In most cases we will only process your personal information:


  • so we can provide you with care and support;
  • carry out our contract with you;
  • take any steps you ask us to before entering into a contract with you ;
  • where necessary for our legitimate purposes in providing care and support to the Individuals we Support.

When processing personal data we comply with the data protection principles and our own data protection standard. By doing so we consider that the interests and fundamental freedoms of people whose personal data we process do not override the pursuit of our legitimate interests and/or those of the Individuals we Support.



7. Rights of data subjects
You have a number of rights. You may:


  • request a copy of the personal data we hold about you;
  • you may object to our processing of it or ask us to rectify it, restrict the way in which we process it or erase it from our records
  • complain about the way in which we process or have processed your data.

For further information about your rights, or how to exercise them, including how to make a complaint, you should contact our Data Compliance Officer.

If you remain dis-satisfied you may lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.


8. Complaints
If you have any cause for concern about our handling of personal information, please contact us using the details below.
If we are unable to resolve your concerns about our handling of personal information, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.


9. Contact details
Please read this notice carefully and contact us if you have any queries by emailing us at
Or by writing to:
Compliance Team, PO Box 4412, Wells, Somerset, BA5 9AH.
Or by telephone to:
01522 246 454
This privacy notice may change from time to time so we recommend that you review it periodically. This version of the privacy notice was last updated on 5th June 2018.

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